A view of Table Mountain from the deck of the MSC Opera

Adderley Street, Cape Town

Adderley Street runs right through the middle of Cape Town city (changes into Government Avenue where it runs through the Company Gardens). It is named after a nineteenth century British politician. Shortly after Van Riebeeck had finished building his mud fort, Van Goens (a high official) declared that vryburgers may not build their houses within 50 roods of it. So, the vryburgers built along a 50 rood boundary which was initially called Justitiestraat, then later Heerengracht before finally changing its name to Adderley Street.

Cape Sun Hotel

A five star hotel.

Edgars' City Store

A popular clothing chain.

Flower sellers


Golden Acre centre

Cinemas, fast-food restaurants, shops. Its passageways link with the Railway Station and the Cape Sun Hotel. While building the Golden Acre a reservoir dating back to 1663 was discovered, and it is on display in the centre.

Groote Kerk

The oldest formal place of worship in South Africa.

Old Slave Lodge Museum

At the top of Adderley Street. The building began as a slave lodge and brothel and later became the Supreme Court.

St George's Cathedral

At the top of Adderley Street (strictly speaking Wale Street).

" ... this cathedral became widely known as a site and focus of resistance against apartheid. And so St George's won the splendid accolade contained in the title The People's Cathedral."